
  • nice one look forward to meeting you
  • ooh might have to pop by and have a butchers-its only 26 miles away from my gaff.
  • Thanks.Yes i had 2 boxes and glued 2 lids together and glued another set of ribs inside.I always rest the 'soundwell' i.e platform for the cone on struts 2 longitudinal and 1 across.These strengthened the back.I fitted a block to the top end to attach the neck and one at the tail end to take the tailpiece.It still seemed a bit too flexible so i inserted a steel rod running through the end block and braced against the top block and epoxied it to the tail block.I screwed the neck on from inside through the block and stuck it on with epoxy.

    All in all it is quite rigid.You need that with resos because of the large hole where they tend to collapse - not so bad with ukes but still needs looking at - especially if you are using a flimsy cheese container.

    Nice cheese mind!


  • That's great, I love the cheese box!
    Did you have to reinforce the box? I seem to remember those things are normally very thin.

    Further to above(cheese box resonator uke)

    Of interest to u.k cbgers is an event i am organising in Lyme Regis on Sunday 27 March.At the Malthouse,Town Mill.My latest and some old favourite bits of work including cbgs,ukes,tele type electrics,resonators and more.During the day short talks/workshops with me and others playing all free.In the evening starting at 8 a performance, using the instruments displayed, by myself and special guests.

    Fun for all.Be great to see some of you.Leave a mesage if you need to know more


    cheese box uke me and justin.jpg

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