Hi everyone!

First of all, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended the Festival and put up with me roaming around and pointing cameras in your faces during your performances and interviews. It was such a treat to meet you all in person and see Chickenbone John and Hollowbelly again. What a wonderful group.  Good times. 

I have made the decision to put the 5 minute documentary CIGAR BOX REVOLUTION on line. I think it's something that needs to be shared, and so I shall do so in my small corner of the internet. I really love the whole idea of CBGs and loved working on this project!

Some of you have asked about DVDs and I am currently negotiating with a couple of print houses. They are relatively small numbers, but I'm trying to make it possible and affordable so bear with me- I will update as soon as I work out a deal.

The 30 minute documentary (which will include festival footage) is a work in progress - but I will keep you posted. 

Many thanks again. Now I need to wrestle MrRandomWritings for his latest 2-stringer headed for the local music shop!! Mine I tell you!! MINE! LOL


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