Blues Fan Trying out the CBG's

Hello all!

I just recently got my first CBG and I'm ecstatic. I am normally a 6 string player and I've dabbled in the past with open tunings on slide. I'm a huge blues aficionado, I love everything from Son House and Robert Johnson to Clapton and B.B. King. I'd like to learn some new things from anyone who's got advice to give and I welcome any new friends who'd like to add me. I'm currently learning stuff in Open G to start off on my four string CBG any tips on different tunings? Shoot me a friend request or message me ant tips you got!


Looking Forward To The Fun,


-Cris P.   

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  • i just can't believe I blew off making my own stringed folk instruments --- thought about it for years as a'experimental' thing for a one off recording...but the CBG thing just opens all kinds of tonal and genre doors (I've got some decent Indian -sounding things happening as well)...and if we can get a cleanish tight recording of something, I swear non-initiates would listen and be a little dumbfounded how we got 'that sound'  or those riffs with a regular guitar. (I must admit, my Gretsch hollowbody  and Strat haven't left their stands in a couple months and have lately been staring at me with contempt...). I beeter fire up a 6-string this weekend.  Rock on. talk soon, and will upload pics when my current projects get finished.  Peace  E
  • Hey Eric,


    You're totally right! I'm playing on a 4 stringer and having less strings really helps figure out little finger picking patters. I used to find finger picking a bit overwhelming and stuck to the slide when doing stuff on open tunings but learning it on the CBG is opening my mind to different things.

  • welcome!  I think you'll be surprised after you just play the 3 stringer for a while...leave the 6-string alone for a bit --- then when you pick up the 6-string again you'll be shocked at some little things that you didn't realize you were improving on...certain control with picking etc... using just the 3 strings to create more complex things than just power barre-chord slides just naturally got me picking cleaner and isolate patterns in a way I hadn't thought about... I got much better at flat picking control without trying...really fun. Now I'm dying to record some tracks.  (as for tunings...just start spinning'll find a couple alt open chords that will inspire you  ET
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