latest build

Just finished my first dulcijo,it has a sound board made from thin ply wood and works quite well ,next one i am using a tabureen skin

fastened to a cheast nut drum I am having turned at the moment.Mal


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  • Very nice!  I just got a Banjovie off ebay, and having lots of fun learning to play with that little high string there.  Let the frailing begin!
  • Hey Mal, only just seen your latest build.........I'm still finding my way around the site and get lost most of the time. Your dulcijo, looks great, any chance we can get to hear it? Anyway, I had a challenge come in from a few facebook pals from Hull. (I just got going on facebook) and they saw my ukulele build last week. They have requested that I shoot a video with the uke singing ....................Old Faithful.................'game on I say', stand by your beds, I certainly know the words, but I'm downloading the chords so I can give it a bash. Watch out for my posting this weekend. Ha ha, maybe I've had too much vino tonight. cheers, Well done again on your latest creation.

  • That turned out nice!
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