
  • Hey Keith, how's tha diddley comin' along? Done yet? I'm in suspense on yer first diddley!

    It's a great place to start, since it only has 1 string, I built a nice one wit wood burned fret markers

    wit my son when he was on break  in like 4th or 5th grade, it was nice keeping him away from video games,

    even if it only lasted a day! Good thing is that he never stopped playing music since then.

    Eagerly waitin'!

  • OK kieta,

    Now the next set of decisions would be on how you want it to sound played as a slider....  a metal slide (brass or chrome) on a smooth (solid) string can sound real bright, where as a glass or ceramic slide will sound slightly more muted.  that metal slide on a wound/heavier string will sound more "grindy"/"scratchy", where as a glass or ceramic slide will lose a lot of the grindy/gritty sound......


    You have a little experimenting to do.  Let us know how it comes out.... video, video, video....


    the best,



  • hi kieta or Keith?,


    the answer is "it depends"....  what string to use depends on pitch range you're looking for and it you like the feel of a solid string or wound under you finger.  I have build one stringer with everything out of a pack for different effect.


    string height depends .... is this a slide only instrument?... that means relative high string height.  are you going to play slide but sometimes use the neck for "fretting" behind the slide?....less high.  Are you building this one stringer with a fretted neck to be played fingerstyle?..... then you can go low for a much faster action.....


    just a start.... look around... check out some youtubes "one string CBG"  and "Diddley bow"


    the best,


    Wichita Sam


    • Thank you will be a one-stringer CBG played via slide only.

      And name on my birth certificate is 'Keith' but the pen name I'm best known as is "kieta" (Pronounced Key-eh-tah).

      To get a glimpse of what that is about check out my web site

      Stay tuned....


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