Tuner holes - size?

Is there a standard size for tuners/machine heads or does it vary?  I just ordered mine from back porch mojo and was wondering what size hole to drill in preparation for it.

Thanks in advance!

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  • I usually drill them out 5/16 and wallow the hole out just a bit to get the bushings/ferrules to fit properly...just make sure they're good and tight...(the bushings, that is)...a half inch depth on the headstock is good while I'm thinking about it too...good luck dude

    MichaelS said:
    I would wait till I had the tuners in hand, you never know with stuff these days.

    Jason Nelms said:
    Ah - this sounds like a plan!

    Grizz said:
    Most of the major brand tuners come in one of two sizes. Either 5/16" or 10mm(13/32").
    If in doubt drill the smaller hole(5/16") first. That way you can always enlarge it to 10mm if you have to.
  • I would wait till I had the tuners in hand, you never know with stuff these days.

    Jason Nelms said:
    Ah - this sounds like a plan!

    Grizz said:
    Most of the major brand tuners come in one of two sizes. Either 5/16" or 10mm(13/32").
    If in doubt drill the smaller hole(5/16") first. That way you can always enlarge it to 10mm if you have to.
  • Ah - this sounds like a plan!

    Grizz said:
    Most of the major brand tuners come in one of two sizes. Either 5/16" or 10mm(13/32").
    If in doubt drill the smaller hole(5/16") first. That way you can always enlarge it to 10mm if you have to.
  • Most of the major brand tuners come in one of two sizes. Either 5/16" or 10mm(13/32").
    If in doubt drill the smaller hole(5/16") first. That way you can always enlarge it to 10mm if you have to.
  • I think they vary. Depends on the brand.

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