
  • Titebond is my fave.  Gorilla Glue that expands if I need it do so and fill up some space.

    I was talking to a friend/good builder yesterday and he was saying how some folks glue boxes shut and even glue in bracing with hot melt glue and how that stuff can get soft again on a hot day with the sun on the box.  Crap, I used to always hot melt on piezos.  Hope none came loose on hot days for people that have them.

  • Titebond.   I use hide glue for parts that I may have to remove for  maintenance/repairs.

    For instance fretboard to neck.  There is some danger there though, if joint gets very damp or

    very hot (sitting in the car on a warm day) it can fail.

    I also use double sided tape for temporary bonding/mockup.  Super glue for the nut.

  • Mainly Titebond original.Hot glue for encapsulating piezo discs.

    Must have developed an allergy to super glue,the slightest whiff of the stuff and the hooter starts streaming like a stinking cold.Stopped using the stuff.

  •  Titebond or Elmer's, usually the waterproof carpenter's versions...but for ease of maintenance I often just use screws.And since I use the bottoms of the boxes in general, I don't need to de-string in order to open it up...

  • Hi I use Titebond, and super glue ( just switched up to a thickened type), and Hot glue.

    each for it's own uses.


  • Generally I use Titebond blue label.

  • Double sided stick tape and a staple gun!!!! My go to stickroos. 

  • Good old PVA glue , hot glue and a super glue that’s all I use .keeping it cheap n cheerful ...

  • I'm generally a Titebond guy
  • For my sins over here in the U.K. I tend to use Cascamite. Mixed up from powder, spread, then clamped, sometimes applying heat through an electric clothes iron for rapid drying if needed...

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