Hi all, I am building my second and third cbg 3string fretted and could use some advice on getting the edges of the frets clean and smooth. I used a Dremel to smoothen but did grind lots of grooves in the fretboard.
Thanks for helping folks!
Hi all, I am building my second and third cbg 3string fretted and could use some advice on getting the edges of the frets clean and smooth. I used a Dremel to smoothen but did grind lots of grooves in the fretboard.
Thanks for helping folks!
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absolute easiest and quickest way to finish the frets is on a table top belt sander... I can finish all the frets on a neck in about 30 seconds....
Long up the videos on the "Strum Stick" website, it will show a strumstick being fretted and finished using this method.
the best,
Wichita Sam
Thats about the method I tried and it worked out, sort of. Needs some practice I suppose... I was going to build the file-woodblock-tool but couldnt find a decent file in my local store and clamped a belt sander on the table. There are some groves in the wood now and some of the frets are still sharp edged but I'll keep trying - next one is going to come out better. Hopefully.
Not necessarily the right way, but this is what I do. Sorry the photos are in reverse order. I'm not very computery.
nice job. how do you put the fret markers in? They look perfect.
yeah me too, sander every time. round the edges over its real nice, just be careful not to overdo it
Jan: in my past woodworking experience I have used a belt sander allot so with CBG's I have a belt sander that can be clamped upside down. Takes some practice but you can control the bevel or slightly round it. Trick is to don't stop.
Sounds good and easy, I'll try this. Thanks!
Marcus, no probs with the slots so far, I got a japanese saw that makes perfect slots - the guide for the depth I made myself. Will get a proper file tomorrow and try the trick with the 2x4 mentioned by MadGomer.
Fretting for me was the hardest of all chores for CBG's. I tried all sorts of methods and finally bought the fretting saw from McDonalds. You can set the depth with the guide and then I use a small square as a guide for the saw starting at the highest to the lowest on my pre-marked scale frets. I use a dremel cut-off wheel to trim the ends on both sides of the neck. I finish by using a small fine to dress the frets smooth to the feel of my hand sliding up and down the neck. Sometimes you just need to spend the money for a special tool that makes things easy...Marcus
Like MadGomer said Block of 2x4x 6inches long cut 1/2 " deep slot at 30 to 45 degrees tap in flat file glue if needed ...