Ok - sorry if I shot this out to everyone as I should have just posted it here. I need to know what pickup would work best for a uke and perhaps if anyone has resources for me to check out. I believe certain pickups work best for the different amount of strings? New at the electric build and your comments are appreciated. Also, the wooden bowl and saucer to make a hollow body uke in the dish section at walmart may prove to be a cool idea. Just sharing.
Thank you all,
I used the really cheap ones from China or Hong Kong or somewhere that cost about 15 English pounds. They come with the undersaddle pickup, a volume/ tone non active pre amp unit and a jack socket. Unless you go for an active pre amp, all the soldering is completed for you.
Good luck!

Here's that address: http://www.michaeljking.com/electric_ukuleles.htmA lot of times you can find piezos without any wires on them. Here's a video showing how to solder them up:
I like Ted's soldering jig. I had trouble holding two wires and a soldering gun all at once -- next time, I'm just going to glue some clothes pins to scrap wood. Do'ah!
http://www.guitarnucleus.com/wiring.html#jackwire I was intimidated by all this, and it turned out to be easy. Here's my end result:

Hmmm. Thought I took a photo after hot gluing the piezo. Anyway, keep the wire as short as possible to reduce humm. Does that help?