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  • Hi I have built my first CBG and installed four pups each with different frequencies, however I have super glued them to the lid of my box and I get a lot of surface noise whn I pick up the guitar but I don't tend to touch the box to much in a way that created anoying surface noise. I'm interested in finding out how covering the ceramics will change/affect the sound.
  • CaptNick,

    A lot of good builders still glue piezos directly to the top, but encase the back is some "dampening material" that ranges, for hot glue, to tape, to cutup mouse pads, to silicone. I think that this stragety works is that the current that a piezo produces is made by the ceramic/crystal on the back of the piezo. Dampening this part of the pup helps keep it from getting "excited" and seems to cutdown of feedback.

    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • Glad to hear it worked for you, Capt. Nick!!!!
  • Lana Rae, Thanks for the suggestions, I have got a lot of surface noise out by utilizing double sided take as you suggested. Sounds great! Thanks!
  • Hi Capt. Nick - did you put the pup directly on the inside of the box lid, or sandwich it between two pieces of thin wood? Sometimes the location of the pup on the lid makes a big difference, and also how it is attached. I don't have tons of experience installing these, but I do have a lot of experience pulling the ones on my collection apart to see why some of the pups seems to be on overdrive. When I did my own install, I experimented with the location before I closed up the box, and I used a layer of double-sided carpet tape adhesive to attach it to the inside of the lid, and then I went over that again with the entire piece of carpet tape and only removed one side of the tape cover and stuck the whole piece (that rubbery paper stuff) on top of the piezo. It worked really well and I am not getting a lot of surface noise off the guitar, and I haven't deadened it too much by burying it in too much wood. It's hot, but not too hot, which is how I like them. Hope this helps!
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