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long shaft 1/4" guitar jack

I need to get a 15mm long shaft 1/4" jack. I have found an old cigar box with the box end about a half inch. I don't want to drill a relief hole into the box. Just wondering if anyone knows a place to get a jack with about a 15mm shaft.

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  • Yes U can, the lug that touches the tip of the guitar cable is the positive(Tip), the other one is like a switch(Ring) you don't need that one if you're not running a battery in the circuit,which is the middle connector, U just need the ones on each end,Tip-(positive) & Sleeve-(negative/ground),Sleeve is the one that touches the other end of the cable closest to the shell of the cable.305981973?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • M.P. I solved this problem by using a Teley insert, worked great.  Probably the same as a jack plate but neater.

  • Or use a jack plate, like this one i make for my builders sets305972989?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • There are plenty on eBay to choose from, I had the same problem and overcame it by putting a small nut and bolt with the right sized washer either end and gently tightened to squeeze the box wall enough to allow the jack to protrude through. I also thought that a cover of plastic or thin wood etc. screwed in place after drilling a lager hole in the box wall can be made to gain enough length. Hope this helps, Chris. :)

  • I have a vintage cigar box, however the end is to thick for even a long shaft 1/4” jack. I bought one with long threads but it is a stereo jack. Since the piezo only has 2 wires (+ and grnd.) the stereo jack has 3 connections. I found the grnd with my ohm meter but does it matter which of the 2 remaining connections that I hook up the pos.lead from the piezo to. Here is a picture.305954970?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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