
  • Here are two more builds using this basic box design.This time with dog bowl resonators,a single humbucker and twin peizo's 306272771?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • Hi Michael,

      Those are two fine looking instruments. I see the doggy bow resonators are held in with more than just string tension via the bridge... six screw that fasten the doggy bowl down bite into a wooden ring mounted on the underside of the sound board as shown in your drawing. Your tail piece looks real nice as well. How do you come by the? Did you make them, or re-purpose something? Maybe I'll do a doggy bowl resonator this year as well if I can locate one. Do you buy the whole doggy bowl with two dishes and throw out the plastic part or what?


    • Hi Rand,

      A few years ago I made a pizza shovel (for getting the pizza in and out of the oven) from a sheet of stainless steel and added a wooden handle.I was scratting about trying to find material to make the tail pieces when I thought "it won't matter if that shovel is 30mm shorter".Hey presto two tails and spare material for a third.

      The dog bowls come as you see them but with a rubber ring around the base edge.You can also get the cat version which is probably a nicer size for a three string (see photo)306272461?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024  

    • Michael

      Silly question did you get the bowls from a pet shop.

    • Hi David,

      Yes I have bought from pet shops,also from Tesco. Yorkshire Trading were the source for the latest builds. 

  • Hi Michael,

    As usual, another great build! I appreciate your drawings, too. One of these days I'll do a Reso box guitar. Maybe next time I'm in the States I can buy a cone or two. Cutting large holes in the sound board has been problematic for me, so maybe I'll build in in the States where I now have access to wood working machines through a local wood working club.  Maybe one of those guys can show me how to best cut a big round hole in my sound board. Keep up the good work. I always enjoy your posts.


    • Hi Rand the holes were cut using a home made cutter the blade is a sharpened piece of hacksaw blade306192987?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Very nice work Michael! A very nice looking build, right down to the detailed banding.

    And the box and reinforcement looks extra sturdy and solid, while way overdone for an acoustic, it should be great for a resonator.

    I am curious about how you mounted/secured the neck to the box assembly? 

    Got more construction pics?

    Record it. I wanna hear!



    • This is a photo of the neck joint on an earlier build cut with a router using  jigs I of the jigs are on my page306187811?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • Ah, good old fashioned dovetail. Nicely done!

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