Ok everything was going fine!! Drilled the 1/4 jack on wrong side. Duh.. What are some things I can do to fix if possible. It's a wood cigar box. Here's some things I thought of but anyone other ideas greatly appreciated. 1. Cover hole with sticker 2. Put some kinda wood filler(seems impossible) 3. Put a jack in it for looks..(I have a broken non-functional 1/4 jack ...screw in) Thank you

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  • point an arrow and write 'oops'...? how do you damage a jack socket?


  • ive ran into this problem myself up on the headstock drilling for my tuning pegs. get a wood dowel rod and glue it in and after it dries cut it flush. but my headstocks are probably thicker that what you are currently dealing with right now so im not too sure it will work.

  • You could add a vol. pot there  and put the jack on the tail end too.

    • How easy is a volume pot..Good ideas. Of course I'll check the site. Is there a volume pot that's easier than others to assemble than other kinds?
    • check out the group, cbg wiring and electronics and you should find all the info you need to wire a vol. pot. You'll find diagrams you can use as well. You can pick up a pot at Radio shack cheap enough for getting started.

  • hi Jon, my advice is to always use a Gibson style metal jack plate to hold your jack socket, it makes for a firmer anchor point and your jack socket will not come loose (-:

  • The hole in the picture would let you have the amp cable come out of the front and not be in the way as you play (unless you strum with your left hand). SG electric guitars do this http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sg+guitar&hl=en&client=saf....
    You could stick a personalised name plate over it (a penny would be cheaper - I like that idea).
    You could use the hole to add a kill switch button. ( You wire a push to make momentary switch across the jack + and - terminals and then you push it to give a stuttering effect).
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