
  • So I got started in making CBGs and decided I had to have a Brand Name. Just for fun. So I decided to come up with something from my initials, BF.  Well being that its CBGs, Blues sounded good for the "B", but what to do for the "F"? When I went through words that started with an "F" Frog just seemed to fit. I then designed the logo that you see today on my profile. I took a drawing I found and modified it with photo software. Added a Fedora and drew in the CBG and the Blues Frog was born.

    Now everything I make is a Blues Frog Creations product. I should probably sell some of it..........

  • My favorite song was "Bumble in the Jungle!"

  • I took my 'AKA' based on a family karaoke session on one of our beach vacations.  Neil Diamond's "Forever in Blue Jeans" came on, and we were all belting it out.  I noticed that my sister-in-law was saying/singing "Reverend Blue Jeans" instead of "Forever in Blue Jeans"....  You know how it is when you 'hear' something other than the actual lyrics, and you think you're right?  Well, it's an old song, and she'd always heard it that way - - so I figured it was a fitting alter ego for yours truly!

    • That is so funny, I thought it was reverend for the longest time too!

    • Awesome story, thanks Rev. 

  • There are more then a handful of alter egos out there! So let's hear the story behind it! How about it "Cause the Blue Rat"!  'Inquiring minds want to know' in my teen yrs. I played a lot of pool, 6' 130 soaking wet, my buddies called me "Stick"! BTW I said I played a lot didn't mean I won a lot!

  • I used to play with a hell of a fast drummer nicknamed Thumper, when I was in my teens? He was a double pedal demon!

  • I was given the stage name "The Thump" when I was 17 — it comes from my style of playing bass, which involves a lot of slapping and percussive work.

    I was auditioning for a metal band who decided to throw some Slayer at me after we ran through the agreed-upon songs. I didn't have a pick on me, and the only way I could keep up with those tempos was to use my thumb and slap as furiously as I could. When they noticed what I was doing, things came screeching to a halt, and we had the following (brief) conversation:

    "Dude! Were you just slapping bass to Slayer?!?"

    " pick, it's the only way I could keep up."

    "I've never seen anything like that. You're in the band and your new name is Thumper."

    Along the way I met a couple of other bassists with the same nickname, so I changed it to "The Thump" - because I'm the one and only! :)

  • ehh.,.,I've been called "JellyWhiteBread" almost 40 years.,.,I was a skinny kid with a guitar, and a friends older brother bestowed the name on me, comparing me to blues artists of the hey day.,.,pretty much a put down, but it stuck.,.,.,I sell by guit's under the "BOXARD" banner.,.,that is a PC spelling for "box-tard".,.which I came up with after reading another builders rant, about how he would not sell a build for less than $200, and all his competitors just slapped a tomato stake in a cigar box and shipped it.,.,. Thats Mr Tomato Stake now.,.,.lol .,.,.,

  • I have always enjoyed RVing and when we retired we sold the house and went fulltiming. We travel less now but still love the lifestyle and live in the rig-----so  Iam still ''fulltimerart''  Years ago, in the CBradio days I drove a hot rod Pontiac so I was known as ''The Tin Indian'.  Art

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