I am in the process of building my first CBG. The neck is a single piece oak 1x2 with no fretboard. I put the frets directly into the neck. My plan was to use tru oil on the neck but I don't think the glossy finish would work well for the fretboard.

Would it be ok to just tape off the top fretboard side and tru oil the back and sides of the neck? I am worried about what effect it will have to seal 3 sides of the wood and leave one exposed.

Any advice would be appreciated. I will post pictures up when the build is completed.

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  • I use mineral oil on the fret board. It takes quite a few coats. It will soil after while, but is a natural looking finish.. When I change the strings, I take a Mr. Eraser with just a touch of water and clean it. Then I let it dry and do another set of mineral oil coats. You can find it at the drug store ... A.K.A baby oil..

    Also, it is nice because it is non toxic.
  • there are so many ways to treat a neck, I usually cap the neck with a hardwood fret board 7mm glued on  to give the neck extra strength and enough clearance above the box lid for the pickup, then add the frets, then coat it all with 2 coats of semi gloss spray lacquer , waterproof and smooth as silk :-)


    whatever you do never use water based paint on oak!

  • I'd tung oil the heck out of the while thing. Oak is very prone to warping. You need all the protection you can get.
  • I use all kinds of oil:  Danish,Boiled Linseed, Tru... I hear wonderful things about Tung (just beware most commercial tung oil... well... isn't...)  

    All work fine, I'd oil the whole thing...

    • Basically I want to have the entire neck glossy except for the fretboard side which I want to keep it's natural look and feel. I don't think I've ever seen a guitar fretboard with a glossy finish.

    • You could oil it, let it cure, then hit the fretboard with some 400 sandpaper to cut the gloss... might be tricky with frets there, though...

    • Yeah that is an option as well. I have also thought about just putting a single thin layer, enough to seal it but not make it too noticeable.

      I think I'm just overthinking this. Any gloss that ends up on there will get scuffed out with normal playing.

    • Sounds right to me...  Most oil finishes aren't that glossy on the first coat anyway.

  • Tung oil is a good alternative...and not glossy like Tru-oil

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