
  • Awesome! I tried similar project for the Bacon Brothers but there was no meet and greet at the concert and their manager was a real dick to me about it  when I asked for him and asked if he would arrange a brief meeting after the concert so I could give them the guitars I built  for them. So I have gifted BOTH of the CBGs I built for them instead to my friends.

  • That is fantastic!

  • That's awesome. I hope he starts playing it regularly on stage.

  • Tommy is a great bloke. we had a master class with him here in Brisbane around 1989 . he got held up and was about 40 minutes late.. kept apologising and our 1 hour class ( about 50 people) turned into over 2 hours.  Brilliant player and so was his brother. 

    • Wow!!! Awesome stories and memories!! I've had the privilege of attending two of his workshops ... very inspiring!!!!
    • Hi, yes I also did a workshop with him years ago. He was friends with a mate of mine back in the early 1980's and I got invited back to his motel room. I took a recently built guitar for him to look at and his first comment was "you've put the strings on wrong". 

      But he did make one encouraging observation, he said that, that small bodied, "000" size ish guitar, sounded like a big Gibson. I was happy with that.

      Oh, and I have not changed the way I install strings, the method was shown to me by the late Bill May, owner of Maton Guitars at that time, Tommys guitar sponsor.


      • yes Taff thats how he started the show. got his Maton out took the strings off put a new set on and and showed us how he likes to 2 hr later at the end he said "you have now heard the death of a set of strings"!! they were noticably duller than when he started.. his 2 hr of playing is more like my 2

  • Crack open a bottle of  awesome sauce  ;-) congrats  on a great experience 

  • What a terrific experience that you shared. I had the opportunity to see Tommy in concert - what a great guy and performer!!!! Thanks for sharing Del!

  • Great Video. On the build and performance.

    My wife and I have been to a few VIP events at  local Johnny Lang shows.  I would love to give him one of my builds.  

    My playing skills would not allow me to play along with a skilled player.

    Again Great Video!

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