I'm trying to build a cbg, but it seems I can't get my strings close enough to my fretboard? I'm completely NOT good at building things, but this should be simple enough! I've built two and can't get close enough to the fretboard to hold the strings down and get a good note. is it because I don't have any frets?
This has probably been answered before. sorry if it has.
thanks for any help
I did a beginner's video about this. Take a look and see if it helps you out:
Thanks Dan!! Here I was impressed with my ability to make the neck EXACTLY the same height as the box. I was thinking I should add on to the neck, now I see it's doable.
Thanks again. This is what I needed!
Also keep in mind that if you don't have frets it is pretty difficult to get a clear note and it won't ring out as it does with frets. It's more muted and decays quickly. Part of the charm of fretfree instruments though.....
thanks for the replies you guys. Seems the obvious must be the answer.
:) (I'm old and slow i guess)
Got any pictures??
It may be an issue with the grooves cut in at the nut or with whatever you're using as a bridge.