Tried building a few CBG, and they were ah, sort of playable even. Lots of pride factor however.

See lots of them here best considered works of art !

But today I put my building a side for awhile.

I picked this sweety up today from a father who bought it for a Xmas present for his kid. And the kid never even touched it. Or so the story went. I got it now at home and it only cost me $60.00 bucks.


I can live with the fact it aint a CBG. But I know down the road that feeling will tug at me.


  The feeling that can build can build one  :)


Gibson-Ephiphone-Special will do for me, cuse me while I wail  :)




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  • Dang, its hard enough to come across good deals, but then to come across one and the cash isnt there to take advantage of it really sucks. Been there and know the slump of the shoulders when that happens :(

    And an amp as well - WOW

  • 305890969?profile=original

    Good fortune continues, just picked this one up for 25 bucks. Plan to use it for parts for my newly planned projects :)

    Its only a First Act, but still, with no parts in the bins, I couldnt have bought all of these for what I paid for this. And heck, it even came with 5 strings on it :) SWEET !!!!


    • Good deal, Tom!

      Yesterday I saw a strat copy for sale, with a gig bag and a ymaha amp for $50...


      I'm just abt out of cash and I really can't do it right now...  :-(

      Looks like you got a lotta goodies for your next CBG build!



  • It's always nice to find a bargain deal on something, especially when purchase price can be less than the sum of the parts list.

    Still, there's a great deal of satisfaction from the accomplishment of building your own.  :-)

    I kinda like home-made music.

    A Guitar magazine I've got sure does have pictures and stories about magnificent factory made guitars, though!

    Enjoy playing your guitar!



  • Nothing wrong with a mixed collection, I take it to extremes!

    Nice find. Want to sell it? LOL!

    No, seriously........

    Actually I am looking for a basic old school Tele for my collection, if anyone has a lead on a deal.

    • I have a friend that's trying to get rid of his (the last I heard; it may be gone now). He's just trying to make room, and he's down to $200. I don't have a picture of it handy. Shipping might be an issue.

      • Hey, if its available, can you let me know? Location, pics etc would be helpful too!

  • Neat Epi, good buy. You could always take off 2 or 3 strings and practice for your next CBG build.  Keep your eyes open for the next box, maybe it will speak to you and inspire the perfect build. ;)

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