
I’m a pretty primitive builder as far as it goes. Frets made of super glued toothpicks, string of several gauges of fishing line.  I don’t do it because I’m good at it, I do it because it is fun. I work with hand tools for the occasional evening when I can steal 15 minutes to get something done.

Despite all that, got to say, this has been a really supportive corner of the internet. The occasional comment or thumb up is a welcome thing. This hobby is a bit of an escape from life, the universe, and everything.  Rotten job, daughter’s autism, blood pressure, etc. seems to give a breather when I do this.


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  • We would really like to see a pic of what you do!

  • Awesome Ghostbuttons! Guess that's the same reason I play. 

  • Nice.  Thank you.

  • Hey Ghostbuttons, I hear ya buddy. I use CBG building for the same escape reasons. Also like to add, that as a builder who is lucky enough to have all I could ever need in a workshop and materials, I do understand and appreciate, and admire, people who get the same results with far less, and carry more baggage.

    Good on ya,


  • cheers Ghostbuttons. everyone needs a hobby or a getaway. Everyone builds for different reasons. Yes, very supportive and good people here at CBN.  Build on dude.

    • Best group I've found since I left Facebook! Toothpick frets! Please post a picture very interesting.

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