String tension

Hey guys I just finished my first build the other day and am So happy with the way it all went! I got so much enjoyment out of doing it and a sense of acheivement that I've never had! Thanks everyone for all the forum questions and advice! It all helped heaps. Can't wait to iron out the bugs on my next build My question is: is it a smart idea to loosen the strings on a cbg when it's not in use to avoid neck bowing? Also guys i had another question: Resonator style cbg's, any tips on making one and where to get the necessary parts? Thanks again guys!

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  • i would if its on a wall for a while as you play #2 when it arrives i know you cant make just 1 you know to much now and will have to try out new ideas you dreamed up have fiun
  • I've got 6 string guitars that are 70 years old, no steel in the neck, strung with steel strings, and they are fine...a decent unreinforced plain oak CBG neck will be just fine...don't slack the strings off, and don't worry about it.
  • even if there is no rod in the neck?
  • Cheers


    thanks for the info!

  • Hi Kyle, well done on your first build, always a great moment when you plug in and.....phew!

    To answer your question you should never need to loosen your strings when not in use...which should be rare except when getting some beauty sleep or at work (-:  seriously if you have an Oak neck it willl be more than capable of taking any amount of string tension for a very long time, no worries!  Good luck on the next build tho' i don't know anyone who has stopped building or looking for a new guitar...every one turns out differently and presents a new set of paths to explore! 

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