Posted by Kurtisthall on September 11, 2009 at 8:28am
Stained a neck the other day and either got carried away or the humidity was too much. How can I fix the sticky stain? The box/neck are already assembled. Apply heat? Mineral spirits?? Neck is poplar, and I sanded very smooth. It didn't want to take stain very well, and I wanted it dark so I may have overdone it. Help.
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A lesson for next time...stain is not paint. What's left IN the wood after you wipe it off is what you got. If you want it darker on a piece that's not taking it very need a darker stain. That's easy to say if you have a shop wall full of various stain choices, I don't. I have found that staining poplar before I do my final sanding (allowing it to soak deeper) and then putting on another coat of stain when I get it sanded the way I want it tends to give me a deeper color.
As far as this one goes you've already gotten the best advice, WAIT. It will dry, but when it does, alot of that mess must come off (or it will flake off later) the steel wool will be your best bet. Be sure it's the super-duper-ultra-fine and be patient with it or it'll look like Fido's butt...IF you can take the neck back off, it may be a good idea. Good luck!
And after that the 0000000000 (or however many 0's you've got) steel wool will take off most of the surface gunk and leave you some color. I've done that and then let it bake in the sun for a bit more.
Wait if you can... a few days of drying should dry it out.... if not you can try a hair dry, but go very very slowly or you might find your box in pieces.
As far as this one goes you've already gotten the best advice, WAIT. It will dry, but when it does, alot of that mess must come off (or it will flake off later) the steel wool will be your best bet. Be sure it's the super-duper-ultra-fine and be patient with it or it'll look like Fido's butt...IF you can take the neck back off, it may be a good idea. Good luck!