Hi People 

I should be taking delivery of my CBG in the next few days.

I'm a complete beginner!

I've approached a local guitar teacher here in Guernsey and has never seen before? 

While I'm happy to have lessons I'm wondering if I'm better of in fact teaching myself the basics and then once I find some holes in my skill set. Then I can go to him with more specifics on what I need to learn?

Some order of steps to follow and learn and material I need to look and order would be really cool :D

My wife plays piano mandolin and the dulcimer.

Many Thanks 


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  • Have a go at youtube, make your own judgements. I guarantee you however that there is a quantum difference between what you'll find there and what you'll get from a qualified, experienced teacher, whether it be online or face to face. 

    And Barsymes...can't find your blog.

    • Oh hey Patrick,

      Just checked out the blog and I must have accidently ticked one of the privacy settings.  Should work now.

  • Hey Glen,

    Your post prompted me to finally get around to writing a review of my experience of learning CBG online and wrote up a review of the site I mentioned above.  Take a look.


  • Thanks for all the help :D

    I think I will go cold turkey and learn it from the head and heart. I feel much happier there is a site like this for me to ask for help :)

    "I look up and see a mountain to climb? I will do it in dog biscuit chunks at a time"

    • You do know I was kidding, right?
    • Indeed :D

    • I thought you were deadly serious, myself. Old Grimface Oily, right?

    • Damn. I been found out. Not enough curmudge, eh?
  • do what Oily said...ha ha!   it wouldn't do any harm to have a few lessons on the basics of playing any instrument, the principals are the same - A B C D E F G  etc, it gave me a good grounding in music which helped me repair guitars and make my own (-:

  • No! Do NOT take lessons from a guitar teacher! Struggle for months trying to figure out music theory on your own. Stay away from helpful Internet websites and YouTube. Don't even pretend to watch anyone that looks or sounds like they may know what they are doing. You are trying to develop your own raw, primal, artistic voice, as so many thousands before you have done. Put your slide on any old finger, and wave it around any old which way on the strings. Do not even bother to tune your git. Pick with your fingers, your nose; heck, pick yer nose. Play Mary Had A Little Lambchop until your significant other's ears bleed. Then go out on the street to try to earn money with your reedy, adenoidal voice. Stand there morosely in the wind and rain, while passersby ignore your latest rendition of Milk Cow Blues, and try to figure out, unsuccessfully, what you are doing wrong.

    Then, take up the harmonica. Rinse. Repeat.

    Only when you have surfed the waves of Despond, eaten from the tree of Disappointment, slogged through the fens of Frustration, built and rebuilt your first git a thousand times, will you be deemed worthy to accept the challenge of the Next Level:


    Alternatively, you could ask your wife, very humbly and sweetly, if she could larn you a musical thang or two. Have the divorce papers and a pen handy.

    But whatever you do, stay several thousand kilometers away from The Blues.
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