I just used a good ol 1X2 from the hardware store...sanded the crud out of it, its just popluar with Mohageny stain on it that I let sit for 1/2 hr or so....
BTW My Number 2 is about finished....And it has all the "upgrades that this one doesn't...Electric, string guide...frets...
Thanks Guys....Yah string space def needed...I do wanna spruce it up...(i need Grommets or something in the 1.25" catagory)...This was one of those projects I have been saying for years I am gonna try and my family was gone for a couple of days, I decided time to get off my butt and give it a shot.
Cheers Ron.
BTW My Number 2 is about finished....And it has all the "upgrades that this one doesn't...Electric, string guide...frets...
Larry McInnes said:
Only thing there I see is your sound holes are too low to the back end. They might make the notes come out back-end first and might affect your sound.
[BTW - just kidding. great build]