Is there such an event? If not, why not!

A few of us here on the nation have made contact and are talking about a local gathering. An event to show our boxes, talk about them on every level and all that relates. I've seen related to this going on around or near my area, if there is I'd like information please.

It wouldn't take much to get it started, however if it turned into something big, I'm sure there's enough talent to step up to the plate and organize an event near St. Louis, at a local Deli, club or coffee house needing a few hour of interesting excitement.

If you have ideas or interest, post them here and lets see what develops.


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  • We are still booking acts, if you know any that would be interested. The email to submit for our fest is . For vendor inquiries contact Brian Rogan at

    Maybe we could start a group just for Festival organizers/promoters on here to swap ideas and experiences.

    • I like the idea of networking and thanks for the contact. I'll keep you in mind and if anything comes up I'll send you an email. I'm not ignoring you, it's my work demanding overtime and by the time I'm here I'm half brain dead.

      Fill us in a little on the details of your fest and what obstacles you came across and how you plan to reproach this year. Videos, pictures with stories help us see what happen last time. There are several things on our list of revision. Mainly what pleased the public and how they responded, things that ether didn't get noticed or maybe  it wasn't made obvious, signs/banners etc. What brought people there? What do you expect when you visit somebody else venue. Real growth comes from humility and honesty. Sorry, I just took a leadership class this morning. Anyway, I'll take more time later and share our experience in more detail so you can pick up on a few ideas.

  • I'm really disappointed that I didn't hear about this in time to attend.  I'm one of the organizers of the Chicago Cigar Box Guitar Festival, we're holding our 2nd festival on November 9 2013.  We should work together, I'm sure both of our fests could benefit from sharing fans, bands and vendors!   

    • This might not be a bad idea, give it some thought maybe we can work something out.

  • Fine time for me to stumble on to this thread :(  Oh well, I couldn't have made it anyway, I was in New Orleans at the New Orleans Jazz and Pop Harp (that's harp as in: harp.  33 strings in my case.) Weekend.

    I will indeed watch this space.  St. Louis is just across the state of Missouri from here and I'd make the trip with no hesitation whatsoever!

    • You must have strong arms hold that up to your mouth and play
    • I just lay down with it.

  • I found out about this exactly one day too late.  I joined this site on June 10th.

    I actually found out about CBG's on accident.  I was looking for information on some local entertainment on the StlToday forums, and there was a post about cigar box guitars.  I was curious, so I looked them up, and thought they looked cool, and then found out that people make them at home.  So then I found this place.

    Hope to be there next year, hopefully with at least one decent axe...:-)

    • Shawn sorry you missed our festival here in St.Louis, everyone had a great time and we are already planning next years event. So continue to watch for updates that we will post from time to time to let you know when and where and how much fun.

  • A special thank you to Gary Herget and his wife who kept things together by running between raffles/ builders contest/ announcements/CBG builders shop/ Gary's venders booth and there is more on that list. Gary has been there from day one when this was just an idea. Gary located 61roadehouse & kitchen in Webster Groves MO. and introduced me to Bill Kunz the owner. 61roadhouse is what I'd call the perfect sponsor. Bill has been generous and open to our needs. Gary brought a lot to the table on ideas and our set up and is a pleasure to work with on such a big project. I look forward to working with Gary on our  2nd annual cigar box guitar festival in 2014.

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