
  • Had a spare hour while the better half was at work last night and with JJ cale passing away and clapton releasing the tribute album I thought it would be fitting to do a quick rendition of "They call me the breeze".. Real quick recording in the living, using "Frank" my 3 string/1 string bass guitar and the floor as a stomp box, mixed up in audacity and all done in about 40 minutes so it's a bit scratty but I kinda like it. My setup sucks at the moment. Using a little Squier amp and a high gain pre amp for distortion so it doesn't sound how I wanted to but its the best I could do with what I had!

  • i have a few collaborations on homemade instruments, including some nation members, here:

    anyone else use soundcloud? it's a great (and free) way to share the music

    • Excellent, responses. I have two. One for me and one for my partner and I (Jyxx) I'll give yours a listen tonight!

      Not much on there at the moment but I'm starting to add CBG stuff weekly

      We do a lot of covers but funk 'em up a bit.

    • some impressive playing old fingers. like the uke stuff, very nicely done

    • cheers buddy. Plan on putting some more up fairly soon, just getting over a left hand metacarpal fracture and I need a lot of practise to get up to standard.. 

  • SoundCloud is cool. Here's mine

    Not much cbg stuff there yet.

    • Sounds good though, what's your set up? Are you using a pre-recorded drum track or drum machines for your songs?

  • Have to check em out. Right now I think most of the nation using Youtube or Vemo(?). Not sure how that last one is pronounced or spelt.

  • I've heard other peoples stuff on Soundcloud but haven't done any myself. Can you give a brief description of registration and some of what the advantages the site offers?

    • It's free....

      registration is quick and easy, the site is easy to use and it's just a click to share the sounds to other social media sites. It's an excellent way to store your music and people all around the world can stumble on to your music.

      Gets a big thumbs up from me, would be brilliant if there was a good size CBG presence on there.

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