I'm in the process of building my 1st CBG.

I want to mount a CBGitty mini-humbucker in my CBG but to do so would require slotting the neck about half way though.  Problem is, the (poplar) neck is only 5/8" thick inside the box.

I'm concerned slotting it halfway through would weaken the neck too much.  I have a 1 3/8" thick block 'spacer' I plan to glue underneath the neck on each end (and to the box). The 1st block would be underneath where the slot would be located.  However, it would not reach beyond the slot, basically just to the edge of the slot toward the back

Would a 2nd block butted against and glued to the 1st block (and the neck) be sufficient reinforcement?  Or should I glue a 2nd piece of 1X2 to the neck for the entire length of the neck inside the box (effectively doubling the thickness of the neck inside the box).

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  • Referring to the diagram, if the pickup is mounted close to the fingerboard, make sure you have at least 2" of the second board extending past the pickup route area. This is why the board is shown extending out past the body like a heel.

    If you don't, it might hold for awhile, but could eventually give way over time. Don't ask me how I know this ;-)

    • I decided to 'double down' and extend the length of the front spacer block to reach beyond either side of the slot for the pickup. This effectively makes the neck 2 1/8" thick under the slot for about 1 1/2" to either side.

    • go tell us how you know this.lol

    • Ha ha  - the school of hard knocks - give it about a year. At first you will notice the strings are getting kind of high, then one day, probably right while you're playing, it will come apart in your hands. lol

    • Correction - minimum of 3" extending beyond the notch is better.

    • Now for sure I'm gonna add screws before and after the notch per the diagram

    • Titebond III is stronger than the wood... The biggest issue I see (without a picture to really see) is that you have 3 separate chunks of wood to reinforce along one line. I have never reinforced a box top to bottom ( as held in guitar playing orientation) as the box is not really structural... Electric strings have a lot less tension than acoustic strings (in general). The only reinforcing I normally do is a heel piece that is glued along the length of the neck and sticks out past the dado/thinned area of the neck, and out of the box. I hope I am making sense...
    • OK, so I really don't need screws then :)

      I follow you except the '3 separate chunks of wood of wood to reinforce'.  The neck one chunk, the wood glued to the bottom as reinforcement as the 2nd and the third is?

      Unless you are including the box as one of those chunks?

      My particular construction will include two 2" long spacer blocks underneath and on each end of the neck inside the box. Once I'm happy with the fit overall they will be glued to both the neck as well as the box causing the neck to be 'integral' to the box bottom.  This leaves the top/lid free to open with the neck remaining in place.

      Make sense?  I'll see what I can do to provide a pic

    • That's pretty much exactly what I did although the wood I added is only to the part of the neck that is inside the box. It doesn't extend outside the box to form a heel. Hadn't thought about using screws in addition to gluing it (w/ Tightbond III). Couldn't hurt.

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