Based on the favorable reaction to the first online event, it is time to do another one!




You're invited to attend a Skype conference call for CBN members!



When: Sunday, May 15th – 3pm EDT


Where: Online using free Skype software


The primary purpose of this call is to give newer builders and players a chance to talk to a live person who may be able to answer their questions. Some questions are easier explained verbally than trying to communicate back and forth via a computer forum. Members often have questions about scale length, or tuning, or which strings to use. This would give them a chance for some real time question and answer.


We will hopefully have a handful of more experienced members of Cigar Box Nation on hand to answer questions or give guidance.


What do I need to participate?


  1. A computer with a sound card and a headset with a microphone. You could do it on a laptop with a built in mic, you just need to watch out for feedback


  1. An Internet connection.


  1. Skype free voice over IP software installed on your PC. You can get Skype at


  1. A free Skype account.


What do I do once I have all of the above?


  1. Some time before the date of the call, sign into Skype and make sure your sound card and mic/speakers are functioning correctly.


  1. Send me a private message on Cigar Box Nation that includes your Skype user name so I can add you to the contact list. I don't want to have Skype user names listed in the public area of the forum so we can cut down on spammers or non-CBN people attempting to join.


What do I do on the day of the call?


  1. Five to ten minutes before the call is scheduled to begin, sign into Skype, and find my user name in your contact list.


  1. Right click on my user name and choose “Send IM”.


  1. Send me a quick message that says basically, “(Your user name) is here.” That way I will know that you are in the call and what your name is.


How do I ask a question?


  1. If you have a question to ask, simply send me another 1 word IM that says simply, “question”.


  1. I will try to take the questions in the order they were asked.


  1. Once the question is asked, I will either answer it myself or hand it off to one of our “experts” to answer.


Frequently Asked Question:


Q: I have another VOIP program besides Skype, can't I use MSN or Yahoo instead?

A: No. I am the most familiar with Skype, I know the sound quality is good, and that it has conference call ability. I have had problems with other programs in the past, so I really prefer to stick with what I know.


Q: Can I join the call from my smart phone or iPhone?

A: Maybe, I am not sure. I have heard that some people are able to do that, but I don't know how that would work.


Q: I don't have any questions, can I just listen in?

A: Absolutely! Just please mute your microphone to eliminate any background noise.


Q: I am busy and can't make it to this call. Will you be having another one?

A: Possibly, it depends on how well this one goes and if there is enough interest. We could hold one monthly if there was a demand.


Q: Can't you change the date/time of the call?

A: We have members from many countries, in many many time zones. It is impossible to find a day or time that meets everyone's schedules. The time I chose makes it possible for people in time zones from GMT -8, to GMT +2 to attend without it being too early or too late. There is not much I can do with places like Australia that are 12-14 hours ahead or behind the US time zones.


Q: Can someone else host one of these calls?

A: Sure they can. The only requirement would be that they have sufficient Internet bandwidth.


Q: How many people can attend the call?

A: Attendance is limited to 25 people, the host and 24 others. This is a restriction of Skype. I don't think we would want many more than that anyway.


Q: I don't have a broadband connection. Can I attend the call if I am using a dialup connection?

A: Yes you can. Skype does not require a broadband connection and, barring any other connection issues, you should be able to use Skype just fine. Just make sure you don't have any other programs running that would eat up your bandwidth.






Tentative Participant list:


1 - Dan Sleep (host)


2 - CB Gitty


3 - Mark Quigley


4 - PeterJaye


5 - Wes Carl


6 - Don Goguen


You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!

Join Cigar Box Nation

Email me when people reply –


  • The first one was great, so looking forward to it. Unless it is really impossible for me to participate I will be there.

    Dan Sleep said:

    Someone asked me the other day if we were going to have another one of these. It seemed like folks were pretty busy with summer stuff, so I hoped to have another one in the September-October time frame.


  • Someone asked me the other day if we were going to have another one of these. It seemed like folks were pretty busy with summer stuff, so I hoped to have another one in the September-October time frame.


  • Talk to ya'll soon.
  • I have a prior commitment too, otherwise I would consider doing it again.
  • Hey, how's it going mah friend? Don't forget to PM me your Skype user name.



    PeterJaye said:


    I'll be there; got to check up on what's new. Thanks for putting this together!

    Pete, Rocky, & Padilla

  • Dan,

    I'll be there; got to check up on what's new. Thanks for putting this together!

    Pete, Rocky, & Padilla

  • i should be there
  • Bumping this back to the top...
  • Hello Dan,

    I would like to attend, but unfortunately there is a conflict of dates. We had a great time last time. It is my Mother's birthday, so I am taking the whole family out for dinner to celebrate. Enjoy. 

  • Hi Dan.

    I am very disappointed that I will be unable to join you on this one. The last one was fantastic. I have a friend from the US coming to stay and I will be elsewhere. Otherwise I would be taking part and looking forward to it. I hope there will be another one very soon.

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