I have a couple piezo-electrocuted guitars, and they tend to feed back on higher gain and volume settings. When I place my arm firmly on the box right aboot where the piezo is placed in the box it eliminates most of the feedback. My question is, if I place a shop towel (or some such) inside the box right on the piezo and secure it, will that eliminate the same amount of  feedback without ruining the sound? What other, (possibly better) methods do you fellers use in order to achieve piezo tranquility? 

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  • Herb,

    Im never happy with piezos either. I use mag pups instead. But if you have to keep the acoustic quality in the build The bridge piezos have been my best sounding also.(pressed in wood). Most every guitar manufacturer that uses piezos always has a battery preamp. Ive seen some on ebay fairly affordable. Never used em myself but they are there.
  • Yea, I got a small stick like Piezo, notched out a 1/8 inch pocket, made sure that the Piezo was flush with the bottom of the pocket.

    It just is very amp selective. works ok with a micro cube, works with my tube amp but not very well with a line 6. I guess it could be a bum piezo...
  • What weren't you happy with in the under saddle mounting? I should take some pictures of mine, I tried all the tips and locations and found the under saddle louder thru the amp, less feedback and nicer tone. Just wondering how you made yours?

    herb berwald said:
    Thanks for all the suggestions...

    I have tried an under saddle piezo and was not very happy with it. The ones I have left are the round ones. I will try the hot glue method as I have done this befor with pretty good results. This time I will try to place it right under the bridge..
  • Thanks for all the suggestions...

    I have tried an under saddle piezo and was not very happy with it. The ones I have left are the round ones. I will try the hot glue method as I have done this befor with pretty good results. This time I will try to place it right under the bridge..
  • I do one of two things,one is put the piezo in a big glob of hot glue and press it down hard so the glue runs out the sides right under the bridge under the lid.This works very good and makes the piezo powerful.The second use a piece of hardwood block just thick enough to take the piezo when dug out.Then take another piece really thin and cover the piezo over with the wires pointing up and mount that to the under side of the lid under the bridge.Both work very good but the wood gives you a very mellow deep sound.
  • Here's the real deal, the straight skinny. Look at what every, and I mean every builder of guitars equipped with piezo pickups places the pickup.........................yep, under the saddle. Yea, there are after market stick on piezos and guess what.........yep, they are prone to feedback.
  • Mine are sandwiched in 2 thin pieces of wood which also makes the bridge ( with a thin brass rod for the saddle) I tried in the box with wood on the back to stop the feedback but the bridge piezo works best. You can still get some feedback but you have to really work at it. Thats 2 votes for bridge piezo.
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