I've been very busy building and pushing cigar box guitars over the past months. Doing my part to spread the word and history of these fantastic instruments and their builders. I decided on giving my instruments to selected and well connected performers in my community to further promote not only my work but the movement in general. The following is a link to the most recent piece written and performed by a close friend, Keith Pierce, the song is called "Cigar Boxer" played acoustically on a 3 string dulci fretted guitar. I hope you take the time to listen to it and post some feed back.
This instrument is called "Distraction" due to the 13th fret being out of square (my daughter was pulling on my leg as I was trying to cut the slot.)
What are you doing to promote your work out side of this community?
I'm still learning how to play the fretless slide CBG, it's not like a regular guitar.