
  • Fretting is hard, especially getting the correct measrements,never really sure if they are just right, ( 025mm out here or there...arrrr ,
    Unless u buy one of those rulers already marked up 4 u. ?
    Then there is the intonation etc etc,
    Just make them fretless and play them...
  • You can do frets. Just give it another crack.
  • I've seen a some on ebay. I thought about buying one, but in the end decided to make own.
  • Actually Not... where can I take a look at these...

    Roger- I e-mailed Tiny and waiting on prices.. Thanks..
  • Have you considered a pre-made fretboard?

  • Me ....

    I don't have it on my website, but .....

  • Get ahold of Jay at tinyguitars he makes them cheaper than anyone else. He been making cigar box instruments for a long time.
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