First and foremost, I will admit that I've copied others' ideas, myself, in the past. FWIW, I feel terrible about it. 

Every person who ever lived has taken- consciously or subconsciously, ideas from others, of course, but I'm talking about using actual or near-virtual reproductions of others' art/designs/logos/etc., applied to cbg's, etc., for whatever reason.

What do you think using someone else's art (without permission) on builds?

A. Are you kidding?? I'm a Google-Fu master! I've elevated stealing others' stuff to an art form! :D

B. Well, yeah, I've done it now and then, but only because...
1. I'd hardly ever sell one of my guitars if I didn't use someone else's art.
2. Some mistakenly think it was my idea, and I dunno... but that makes me feel good.
3. A lot of people do it.
4. I have very little imagination.
5. I've done it a few times, but like you, I feel lousy and remorseful about it.

C. No way. Stealing others' art is w/o permission is low-life and immoral. Period.

D. Other (Please elaborate.)


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  • 306635548?profile=original

  • Definately C.  As a visual artist, that is my lively-hood.  However, I, like most artists would usually be ok to allow people who want to use an image IF permission is requested and CREDIT and/or financial compensation is given to the artist.  Copyright is always assigned to the artist when the work is created unless specifically stated by the artist or consigner for a specific image.  So, unauthorized use is illegal.

    Also it depends on how the image is used ( for specified limited use usually, and not multiple reproductions without artist compensation).   Most people understand the reason for this when explained to them.  I personally tend to give people the benefit of doubt by trusting the integrity of one's word that they comply with my conditions of usage.

    As for ideas for example on this site, it seems that most builders appear to be very helpful in sharing ideas to other builders with the full expectations that parts of what they share will be used by other builders and even encouraged to do so.  Just my opinion, there will always be different takes on this view

  • 306632680?profile=original

  • I think as long as your not mas producing it's okay.

    I build ukuleles inspired by famous guitars. I'm going out of my way to capture the essence of another persons design. But they're built for my personal use and I never build more then one of any design. They'll probably be sold someday.

    On the other hand, to ease my conscience I've sent pictured to most of the instruments to the original manufacturers. I've always gotten a positive response every time. Never a cease and desist notice.

  • C for me. I'll "steal" a build idea. Something like putting the neck through the box at an angle, or a John Nickel's idea of a bass string and 3 open tuned strings (NOTE: He's fine with you doing so, he shares his ideas freely). Someone posted Star Wars box guitars and a friend of mine asked me to make him one. I bought a tin online, built the box, and built/fretted the neck my usual way. So depending on the eye of the beholder, I "stole" this man's idea.

    But if someone creates art work like a painting or sketch, I would never, ever take that without express permission from the artist.
    • hahaha, you crack me up Kirk, in the same breath you picked "C" followed by "I'll Steal" not more than 6 character spaces later...yeah I read the rest, just found it amusing.

      now, for some originality if i may post it here, hijacking the thread a little but keeping with the theme of the OP, check these 2 out, the first one, will call Axe 1, stealing an idea from Dean's Currant axe body style, but should be enough of a difference being a cigar box and a 4 string, plus the head-stock design will be as noted in the bottom of the pic a medieval spear/axe point. Besides, my last name is Dean, I'll take some liberties lol.

      Now, the second design, and some of you may recognize my head-stock from my other post, "Build #2", is a bit dark, not sure which blade I'm using which is why 2 different, but leaning towards the top one, flames licking up to the numbers, blades will be a slate blue/silver with red on edges and red splatter, there will be 2 humbuckers with a single pup sandwiched in between with a 5 way switch, still a cigar box in the most basic of ways, this one I'll sell as I don't want my head to burst into flames for attempting to play it, I may also make solid body 6 strings of these designs, awww, who am I kidding, I know I will....opinions, to scary/dark for this site? lol

      click on pics to see full view




  • C

    I know artists. This is a really bad way of getting yourself into a lot of unnecessary hot water. If you are making the guitar for yourself it might be overlooked. Selling them? Trouble. You could end up getting fined and your work confiscated. 

    The only way out of this is to do what everyone else does. Be inspired by the artwork and make a likeness with a few changes. 

    • the cbg confiscation police!

    • in a nut shell, exactly, never sell someone else work as your own.

      • Richard > Exactly. Even if one doesn't have any art ability, so what? At least they'd be producing something that's honest, something they can “call their own” (a term that's thrown around a lot in this biz).

        Hey, most little kids' art is immature and totally unrefined, but it's wonderful! The innocence of it IS its beauty.

         Anyway, enjoy/display/promote, etc., something that's an obvious counterfeit? Frankly, I couldn't even look at the thing, never mind actually own it.


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