
  • That's about it...really for convenience of adjusting volume on guitar instead of reaching for the amp every time.

    • Thanks Scott, on this one i will keep it simple. I have another question, re the Volume and Töne Pots. Should they be of a specific Size/Value and what would the consequence of mixing different Töne and vol pots?
    • Piezos are other member's specialty...I used to install them years ago, but only use mag pickups anymore.

      As for volume/tone pot values with piezos, I believe other builder/members use anything from 500k to 1Meg pots for either position.

    • Yes, i understand that the mag Pickups are the better option and would normally go that Road but in this case i have converted a drum into a Banjo style cbg and just Cant work a mag Pickups in . From preliminary Testing it may not need any but thought while its in the Production Stage I would put one in anyway.
    • Makes sense, not using a mag on your drum banjo project...piezo will do better for you there. As Darryl said, soldering a small value capacitor, like a .01uF between the positive and negative lugs of the 1/4" jack will help filter out some of the harsh brittle treble-ness of the piezo.

    • To add to this, I am not saying that all piezo set-ups will sound brittle and/or harsh. But sometimes they can sound like a cat being pulled tail-first through a key hole.

    • Thanks for the info, and l will put the cap in. I have Strung it up and it is substantially louder than anything that I have built so far. I have made allowance for 4 strings but quickly realised that I am not Ready for 4 strings yet so back to 3. I will Post a pick as Soon as I Finish.

      Oh by the Way , happy new year to all.
    • A tone pot with a piezo is not really worth the effort Jeff, not much,if any, effect, but you can soften the piezo harshness a bit by putting a capacitor across the contacts at the jack, there's a blog somewhere regarding that, i think it was a 0.01uf capacitor by memory

    • Hi Darryl. I notice you are in Perth . North or South of the River?
    • North Jeff, near Wanneroo, and you?

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