Hi all,
just looking for a quick survey on what kinds of effects pedals some of you might use. I currently play through a cigarbox amp with guitarfuel innards and while it has pretty nice distortion and overdrive, I think a pedal would be more versatile, also some reverb would be nice...what else?
I mainly use a Monoprice 5w tube amp. It's essentially the same class A tube circuitry as some versions of the Fender Champ.
For overdrive, I use either a Joyo Tai Chi or Tom's Line Dumbler.
To get nastier sounds, I have a Biyang Fuzz Star, a clone of a Big Muff with switchable tone mods.
For a reverb effect, I use an old 90's DOD EchoFX, an analog delay.
I have several other pedals but these are the ones I use most of the time.
I'm a pedal junky. Love my overdrive, distortion and fuzz. all of them. Way to many of them. Best fuzzes are from Devi Ever. Distortion and overdrive is a toss between Wampler and Catalinbread. Fulltone and Electro Harmonix for modulation. And TC Electronics for their Flashback x4 and Hall of Fame.
I have both a nice Marshall and Fender amp. Plus a really nice GK bass amp. Pedals bring a new game and great sounds to all of them.
Many of the tcElectronics pedals have Toneprint technology that allows you to easily reprogram the pedal using your iPhone. You can customize the tone prints as well.
Loopers are great fun as you can get multiple layers of sound going, you just have to be careful that you don't muddy things up too much.
I use reverb and other effects on my Yamaha THR amp as well.
I use a home made fuzz/distortion/overdrive/bass-boost pedal, i designed it as a fuzz, but the gain knob i build in made distortion/overdive/clean possible, i tweak teh gain a lot inbetween songs. The output is a bit bass heavy and contasts nice with my metal hubcap/traffic sign banjos, which have a brighter tone by them selves.
I often use
This setup works well with coil pickups. For acoustic sounds (piezo pickups) I have a zoom A1 pedal (quite cheap and good for acoustic sounds).
For small gigs I use a zoom 2.1u multi effect processor or a 1980s Ibanez pue5 analogue multi effect pedal with tube preamp. Or just an Electro Harmonix Nano Muff in front of an old transistor amp.
But a real good amp...
Is worth 10,000 pedals imho
I'd also much prefer a pedal that does one thing really well to one that does a thousand..
That said, I'm real partial to a nice digital delay, and any kinda lo-fi filters, synths filters, oscillators etc cal be real cool..
I recently got a "Swollen Pickle" jumbo fuzz box from "Way Huge Electronics" from Guitar Center.
I am playing it through a cigar box amp I got from Gitty here on the forum.
It is indeed way huge - me likey.
It coast twice as much as the amp, but is worth it IMHO.
Now I'm thinking I'll try to make it look a bit more cigar boxy somehow.
Well, the Swollen Pickle is just a Big Muff, There are plenty of "cigar boxy" looking Muffs out there. I could even build one for you in a small cigar box if you'd like. I can draw a Big Muff schematic from memory.
do it do it haha