
  • Having worked at Ovation I do know that as of 20 years ago they hadn't made any resos.  The ovation sound comes from a combo of the shape and some really  thin soundboard with a mearde load of supports.  I would wonder if the reso would be deadened by the body.  None the less it sounds like an experiment waiting to happen!  I would love to be wrong.

    PS.. HOG Rules!

  • So, I'm right there with you on converting nonResos to Resos. BUT, I'm sure that someone would like a functioning Ovation. Why not sell it and turn that money around on a nicer, busted guitar that you could really turn into something nicer than it was? A quick search will turn up a ton of hits with busted bridges, etc.

  • They have 2 resoglass guitars at the famous  HOUSE of GUITARS here locally for 1500.00 each.. I do like the sound but not the price..

  •  I guess I was thinking in the right direction!

  • I certainly don't want to discourage you from experimenting, but reso bodies are usually heavy and strong, so the vibrations go out of the cone and are not absorbed by the body. There is are brands like Supro (Resoglass) and Beltona (google) that used fiberglass. In my opinion the tone is inferior to a  metal body. Never cared too much for Ovation tone either. Way to bright and tinny. Enjoy.

  • HBB,

    I understand, being an owner of 2, and a fan since the Glen Campbell days, how some people do not like Ovations for their tonal qualities, or that the Lyrachord back offends "wooden" sensibilities, but now you got me wondering...

    A quick search of the various Ovation fan sites revealed this (unfortunately, there were no pics :-( ):

    I could find no mention that Ovation themselves ever made a reso. Go for it, it would be a neat idea; the guys above who have done it might be worth contacting...
    • DANG.... and I got one around here doing nothing when with some effort it could be a reso  :)

      Gotta give this some more thought. Thanks for the brain jar  :)

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