WKYC TV-3 here in Cleveland heard about 2 guys who make guitars out of cigar boxes.... Called us to come down and do a demo.... Did it this morning.... Had a blast.... Still on cloud nine.... Here's the link....... http://www.wkyc.com/news/news_links/links_article.aspx?storyid=127088#comments Thanks to Shane and to all our members for the inspiration !!! Happy Holidays, Ed and Marty http://www.totallysmokinguitars.com http://www.myspace.com/totallysmokinguitarsrock

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  • Awesome Opportunity and Awesome Job!
  • That's awesome... Get those CBGs out there ...
  • Great work guys. Spread the Gospel of CBG.
  • HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!
  • Good on ya guys - it's always good to see a CBG on TV :-)
  • SWEEEET!! Awesome you guys! Hopefully the tv appearance will help spread the word!
  • Nice, let us know how that pricing goes in the Cleveland market.....

    Great job guys!!!

    the best,

    Wicihta Sam
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