A friend wrote a poem for his wife. He gave it to me to put into a song for their 30th anniversary. I edited the lyrics for phrasing.

It's traditional as it's not my usual looping. I recorded CBG rhythm, bass, drums, wurlitzer electric piano, CBG leads, and vocals on my 16 track fostex digital recorder.

It's the first song on my player on bandmix.com. "Every reason why". Looking for listens and feedback if you choose.



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  • Np,

    3 things:

    1) That's got McCartneyfication and Apple Corps written all over it, like something the Beatles might have given away to The Guess Who. And that ain't a bad thing.

    2) Send this one to Nashville. This would work very well as a country tune.

    3) I liked it a lot, could listen to it for days, and admire you for doing this for your friend. But the Simon Cowell in me says it needs to be about a minute shorter, to work commercially.
    • Right on Oily!

      1. Thanks!!!

      2. Have a known set of ears in NashVegas?

      3. Perfect! Really appreciate the specific critique!

  • you have a really great mix here. I really like your voice. It is a very nice song, written from a loving place usually hits its mark if it is honest. Really like your use of cbg. I used to have a fostex 4 track recorder years ago. I loved that thing. This was really nice. Thanks for posting it.

    • Thanks Matthew, especially for the specifics!

  • Nicely done!

    • Thanks Dan!

  • ¬_¬ goooooooood stuff

    • Thanks!

  • Good work, and suitably romantic! (-;

    • Thanks Steve! :)

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