My 78 year old father tried to take up playing guitar for the first time last year. His work worn fingers are too stiff for a 6 stringer so a few months ago I built him a Ukulele from a Stew Mac kit. He loves it. Something to pick at while sitting on his back porch.

One of his best friends has owned a Cigar shop for 40 years and my Dad was telling him about the Ukulele I built him, his friend said he has a lot of cigar boxes leftover and gave my Dad a few of the good ones.My Dad gave them to me so I built him a 3 stringer. This is my first CBG build. I think it turned out well and sounds great. My Dad absolutely loves it and I like that it helps keep his mind going trying to learn something new.

It has a mahogany neck, I built the fret board and bridge out of Zebra wood. It has a bone nut and saddle.I think this hobby could be addicting.


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  • Hey, Kevin.  I like the story and love those two very high end home builts.  Good on your papa for getting to be a player late in life.  I hope he has some good many years of enjoyment.   I think he would like a big uke or tenor guitar!

    • Thanks Uncle John for the compliments.Something to help my Dad keep his mind going strong is always helpful.

      About tools luckily I have many woodworking tools as I have been working with wood for 40 years. I have just begun building musical instruments though. One of the most useful tools and a good one is Stew Macs Safety planer. If you have a drill press this tool is so useful. Good for fret boards, bridges, bindings and many other applications. I have wanted one for a while but they are kind of pricey. They recently were on sale for $25 and spare cutters were $5 so i snagged it.

  • "Could be addicting". LOL you have no idea! Its like being handed the keys to the candy store, except you won't rot your teeth out and a lot less calories! I haven't finished my first build (parts I need are on a slow boat from China) I'm in the middle of 2 and 3 for a summer camp for foster kids. You do some very nice work. Anyone would be proud to own your work. Quite frankly I'm envious.

    What are you using for fret marker "shell casings"? Bad ass! Welcome to the asylum.

    • I am building my 2nd CBG now. This one will have a Snake Oil humbucker in it, Yes I used 9mm shell casings i cut down for the fret markers. I saw it on someone else's build and I like the looks.

    • its not just the guitars, it the tools!!!  i have developed a clamp habit.. i keep looking for cheap clamps where ever i  thats after the handsaws, table saw, sharp drills, rasps...... it never

    • No kidding! I went from zero wood tools to trying all kinds of blades, rasps, etc. Ha!

  • porch picker and plucker and the chickens like it

  • nice !!!! 

  • '...could be addicting" ?    Welcome to the Nation. It is a benevolent  addiction :)

  • That's a really sweet looking build! Yes, I just finished my first and on to #2. Very addicting but tons of fun (and satisfaction)

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