I've got a few electric guitars with problems.

The pots and switches don't work properly.

If I dis-assemble the guitars, what is advised to try and clean out the pots in hope they might work properly?

(I would use lacquer thinner, but suspect that might be a bozo no-no.  :-) )



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  • Spray, electronics cleaner, or spray brake liner cleaner works as well, all toxic as hell use outdoors.

                 Cheers Ron.

    • OMG!!

      BrakeKleen will work???

      and won't cause a buncha damage in there?

      Our kids used that stuff by the case.  lol

      I'm almost sure I got partly full cans of that bangin around here...  I've never used it, myself.

      I'll try it!

      Tnx Ron,


    • Glad to help, works on the old stereo that has the scratchie volume.

                        Cheers Ron.  

  • Yes, OMG no lacquer thinner!  This worked great for me: http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Electronics,_pickups/Supplies:_Cleaners...

    I revived a 50's Gibson hollowbody without having to take it apart. I just took off the knobs and shot the cleaner down into the pots and worked them back and forth (follow the instructions on the can).

    It seems to me that the DeOxit did not come with a little tube/straw to funnel the spray into a specific area. I had one from an old can of WD-40 or something, so I used that (made sure to spray some DeOxit through it to flush out the WD-40 first before using).

    Stew Mac sells something called a "pot cap" for $20 but I didn't find that necessary.

    • Thank you S6!

      I went over and looked at that...  Whew!


      I would not hesitate to use that if it were a nice guitar I was working on, but these are some old neglected and abused battle axes I picked up here and there over the years...

      ...and I'm nefariously scavenging parts from them for CBGs and converting them to three string guitars in the process.  lol

      Yah, I was concerned the lacquer thinner might eat away enameled insulation on internal wires in the pots, so was holding off on that option...   I've also got a few gallons of denatured alcohol hanging around.

      What would you think of that?



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