Just as the title suggests, I need advice on how to play through a laptop. I'd like to record into the software, whichever software is best, and make a video at the same time. Basically recording a video but playing the guitar and MAYBE a microphone directly into the laptop so the sound is more "professional" sounding on the video.

I've found this from Dawson's Music and it's a price I can afford in the next couple of weeks:


I'd also like to make music tracks with the software when not making videos so is the above suitable for this too or only suitable for making music tracks? Is there a software or hardware that would be better for what I want to do with it? I don't have much funds to do this so if it can be as cost effective as possible that would be really appreciated.

I also need any further help you can offer. Can I record a video using this software or is this just for making audio tracks? Is there a software where I can play the guitar and record a video at the same time live, so to speak?

I'm an absolute novice and I know nothing about playing through a laptop but I've seen others doing it and feel it will help me when making videos. All help and advice is gratefully received. If you have some knowledge and think it's too basic and I will already know, trust me, I don't already know it.

Thanks again and hope you're all well.

Bear :0)

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  • Thanks Derek. I bought a cheap generic USB Condenser mic in the end because it's what I could find used and what I could afford lol. I'm going to try the old "mic the cabinet" as those cool cats say. Not sure how it will turn out but here's hoping!

    I bought myself a new speaker/amp in anticipation of getting the USB mic and because my old Line 6 Micro Spider hisses like a snake on snake overdrive. It sounds awesome. 100 watts of pure awesome! Not only that but 100 watts and takes batteries?!?!

    I'll look for Shotcut but if I can't find it I've used Windows Moviemaker extensively in the past, if I can now remember how to use it. You've been a star with all the help, as has everyone who has taken the time to comment here for me. I appreciate every single one of you!

    Bear :0)

  • I have a similar device, and I use Audacity with it.  Haven't had an issue at all.

    • Thanks for the info Kirk. Always good to hear from first hand experiences. I've decided to buy (already bought and waiting on it coming in the mail in the next couple of days) a USB mic and place said USB mic in front of the amp while running the vocal mic and guitar through the amp. Good thing about that is I can control everything on the amp and then HOPEFULLY it'll just be slight tweaks in the software end.

      I'll report back on how I get on with doing things this way. Seems the cheapest way to do it as the link I posted is out of stock until April anyway. Hoping this will be a solution anyway.

      Thanks again and all the best.

      Bear. :0)

  • Bear, I use Audacity and a Blue Snowball usb mic directly into laptop for audio. No need for an interface. (Though I do want to get an interface for better results, and less latency, so far have not needed one since sound is good enough for my purposes). 

    I use a simple Logitech webcam for video and the Snowball mic for the audio into the webcam software. I often will open Audacity and record the audio to that at the same time as the video, which lets me go back and add additional tracks to the audio and reduce noise, add reverb, etc. Then you save the audacity audio file as an mp3 and import it into your video program. It does take some tweaking to assure the video is synched with the audio. 

    • That's brilliant, Derek. I've done some video editing at university but that was using expensive software that can cope with all the lining up audio and video channels separately. What software do you use to align your audio and video channels, if you don't mind me asking?

      Also, as a fan of your movies, are we talking about your acoustic recordings recorded along with your voice through one mic? I can do that but a large percentage of my own guitars sound far better recorded direct as the acoustic sound really isn't that great. I think I might need an interface to record the magnetic pickups rather than plugging straight into the laptop? Not sure hence the questions. You've been a massive help and I can definitely make use of your information for at least one of my current guitars immediately (just had a clear out of some of my older guitars). Thanks again my friend.

    • Oooh! I just realised something, Derek. Could I use the external USB mic close enough to the amp to capture the audio of both my voice and the guitar through an external amp? I have a dual input amp for mic and guitar already anyway and I have a 1/4 inch mic and stand now too. Sort of like "amping the cabinet" as I think people in the know refer to things? Not sure how much a USB mic will cost but it could be the same as the Interface linked above (£30). Definitely sounds like a great way of doing things. Thanks again!

    • I paid around $50 for a Snowball a few years back, they are around $60 now but have more features than mine and they go on sale at times. 

      Yes, you can move the mic to capture your amp and your voice. That is what I do for the "performance" type videos. I put the amp where it gets the right balance for picking up the amp and my vocal.

      I am using Shotcut on my laptop for editing the video. The audio track with the video is visible below the timeline and I import my "improved" MP3 created from Audacity and simply viually line up the peaks and valleys of the 2 audio tracks, then mutr the video's audio to only play the MP3. Hope that makes sense? Have done the same on my old desk top using Windows Moviemaker.

    • Thanks Derek, I just learned something too!!

    • Glad something I know can help someone! ;)

    • Glad this helped more than just me Rose! I always feel silly asking questions which may to others seem so simple but if I don't ask I'll never know haha. :)

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