Neck connection to cigar box question

I was wondering, the portion of the neck that gets glued to the underside of the cigar box, has anyone tried scooping some of the neck out so more of the lid can vibrate? So maybe only an inch on the top and bottom are actually glued to the cigar box? Thanks :-D

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  • That's a helpful pic, Wes. The width looks pretty thick (or deep?); do you actually touch or fasten to the bottom of the box?

    Wes Yates said:
    Here's what I do

    Lid recess

    Note there are two levels there. The first level is where the lid glues and the second is where the lid does not touch. You can also screw the lid to the touch areas if you are worried about contact. I've also seen those who attach the neck to the bottom of the box. I did that on my Cohiba tho its not acoustic per se. That would be an easier method tho you would have to accommodate the neck to the depth of the box -- depending on the box depth.
  • Off Topic, I made a spirit flute for my mom :-D

    Michael Carnright said:
    Thanks :-D My dad arrives tomorrow and I want to build a cbg with him.
  • Thanks :-D My dad arrives tomorrow and I want to build a cbg with him.
  • Here's what I do

    Lid recess

    Note there are two levels there. The first level is where the lid glues and the second is where the lid does not touch. You can also screw the lid to the touch areas if you are worried about contact. I've also seen those who attach the neck to the bottom of the box. I did that on my Cohiba tho its not acoustic per se. That would be an easier method tho you would have to accommodate the neck to the depth of the box -- depending on the box depth.
  • so only having a portion of the neck glued to the lid is ok then?
  • The top doesn't do much structurally. On a thru-neck CBG, more important is attachment to body of the box. Where the strings attach is where most of the stress begins. On mt first CBG I sanded the neck only about 1/16" so maybe 1" of neck touched the top. The tone was great.
  • I just did a bolted on tenor guitar and bass guitar and love the amount of sound I get from them! It takes a bit of planning but is well worth it. Extremely stable too!
  • Yup! I slice it out with a band saw.
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