My first effort

Here's a link to my Facebook CBG build album. Compared with the guitars on this site, mine is a pile of crap but I had fun building it. Serious feedback problems unfortunately (transducer PUP stuck to underside of the lid) and tuning is a bit of an issue but it's good fun to play. Anyhow:

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  • And it's banned in CHina (what is not? CBN for one.)
  • Hammers rule! For chiselling and for taking out frustration on various inanimate objects.
  • Nice job Steve, I really like that you got a hammer in most of the pics, Havent used a hammer yet to build one, but would like to use it on some when they are done, lol.
  • Cheers Henry - I'll try that when I get a chance.


  • Regarding your first build, it looks like you have a winner there, mate. Try encasing your piezo pick up (?) between to thin pieces of wood or fold a piece of foam around it before mounting it. Some have even tried encasing their piezos with a glob of hot glue. CHEERS!
  • OK, here you go.


  • Same here, I refuse to have anything to do with FB.


    Mark Bliss said:

    Hey Steve, why dont you post a pic or two here. Dont assume we all do the Facebook thing. I dont/wont.
  • Hey Steve, why dont you post a pic or two here. Dont assume we all do the Facebook thing. I dont/wont.
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