I thought I would take a moment and post a progress report on my fight against pancreatic cancer.

The first batch of chemo medicine did no have the effect that we wanted. It stopped the new growth of the tumor, which is a good thing, but we need it to reverse the growth and make the tumor shrink away from the blood vessels to they can attempt surgery. So, they have change me to a different cocktail to see if that one works any better. The new one has a lot less undesirable side effects, but I have only had 2 treatments, so it is too early to tell if it is making a difference or not. Once I have 4-5 treatments under my belt, I will go for a CT scan to see if it is making the tumor shrink.

I have no words that can truly express my appreciation for all the support, prayers, thoughts, kind words, and donations I have received. I had no idea that there were so many folks in the CBG community that are pulling for me. I am truly thankful, and humbled to the point of tears. I feel like I can beat this thing, especially with so many people rooting for me. I want to get back to building CBGs and pickups, and all the other things I love.

Thanks again for all your support, it means more to me than you will ever  know.


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  • Prayers for good health, healing energy and wellness. 

  • We're here for you, my friend.
  • Keep on keepin' on, you can beat the monster!

  • Hang in there Dan...keep fighting the good fight

  • Thanks for the update Dan. Keep the faith. Lots of people are pulling for you. 

    • Sorry, accidental double post.
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