I don't know if anyone else has tried this, but I had an idea to use blank CD or DVD discs for inlay material, mainly neck dots. It's about 1mm thick. I do not own any of those hollow punch tools, and was wondering if anyone has tried this, or could try it if you already have a set of those hollow punches...or have any other ideas for cutting circles.
Many other shapes could simply be done by hand, Xacto knife, sanding etc., but those nice clean circles are what I was thinking about.
Thank you
Shawn said:
No wonder I'm always hungry an hour after practice.........
Seriously, I like the shiny CD material for markers or inlay idea. Maybe you can cut little circles out with a plug cutter? I have to try it. If it works I will soon regret throwing out all the AOL discs..........
Thanks for all the cool ideas. Hardware store suggested the K&S metal tuubing, but a hand drill sounded likea no-no to me.
The chop sticks are cool...just have to wash your hands after playing. Now I really have to find the comic that goes with that statement, and post it...
Good idea. I will give you an idea also. I have a dowel maker that I can run any type of wood I care to make dowels out of through it. I can vary the size of the dowels I make to the exact size I want. I can make marker dots for fretboards by making dowels 1/4" and then drilling shallow 1/4" holes in the fretboard and glueing small cut off pieces of the dowel into the drilled hole. Just sand them flush and you have instant custom made fretboard markers made out of wood.
You do not need a custom dowel maker like I have. You can just buy pre made dowels in the color of wood you prefer and buy a drill bit in the same size as the dowel to do the same thing.
What a cool idea!
Here's how to make perfect circles: get a piece of hollow tube which is slightly larger than the circle you want to cut. K&S Engineering sells a set of brass tubes which are perfect for this. K&S stuff is available at hobby stores. I like hobbylinc.com online: http://www.hobbylinc.com/cgi-bin/s8.cgi?str_s=brass+tube&x=0&am...
Cut off a piece about 2" long. Take an Xacto saw or other thin sharp saw and cut some short slots vertically at one end of the tube. This will make some cutting teeth. Chuck the tube into a drill press and voila. You may have to remove the tube from the drill press and use a thin screwdriver or something to pop the circle out of the tube once you're done cutting.
I haven't done plastic, so it may melt at higher speeds. Slower is probably better.