Looking back

Hey all, maybe I'm getting caught up in all these "Decade in Review" specials, but before this one's over I was thinking it might be fun to dig back and share memories, anecdotes, samples, etc of your first-ever build - whatever it was: success or fail (probably how most of us learned!). 

Technically my wife actually built this and I helped out with some basic carpentry tips. It's a a typical neck-thru fretless three string paperboard Fuente box with one hard-wired disc piezo. Since it was her one and only build, to this day I swear she did it subversively to cure my GAS and get me building instead of buying. Lesson learned? Well, we stained it with a tea and iron mixture - nice and soaked - and since it was one piece poplar, it now has a nice bow and arrow set-up for scaring squirrels away from the bird feeder :-)

A sound sample before I had video:


Looking forward to looking back...

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  • 3795652720?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Here is the first box I built in 2013 .,., I built 2 others in the late 90's, but I don't have any pics., this one was $5 of parts, and it sold for $31 in an Ebay auction., Thats when I was bit by the bug, and I've built 160+ since then.,

    • Without actually doing the math ( I hate math - kinda like Indy hates snakes) I think you got your "10,000 hours" in.

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