My buddy and I just finished building two CBG's . We have run into a problem with the strings . First off the guitars are built with a 27 inch scale. But the strings tie into the bottom of the box so the measurement from tuning pegs to ball end of string is 37 inches. I have tried using standard guitar strings A-D-G-B but can't tune them to G-D-G-D like my other cigar box guitar. Would I be able to use baritone strings , are they longer than standard guitar strings. I don't want to use bass strings as I am not sure if the neck can handle the tension. Also we have a string buzz on the bass string on both builds. Is it possibly the bridge slot is cut too deep. I would appreciate any help you all might have. Thanks ahead of time

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  •   Hi , Amerigo !   You say you are using standard guitar strings A-D-G-B !?!   You should use A-D-G-E and drop the E down to a D .       On a side note....  A  27 inch scale is a baritone guitar scale .  (27 inch to 30.5 inch)   So , baritone strings would be the "correct" strings to use .    Short scale baritones are often tuned  B  E A D F# B and the longer scaled baritones to A D G C E A  .  If the high A string was tuned down to a G it would be the same pitch as a G string on a standard guitar .  I think!! (makes my head hurt!)   The A D G C E A  tuning is a perfect fifth below standard guitar tuning .   I think you could tune the four highest baritone strings to G D D G .... for what it's worth !!      To avoid these problems in the future you could go with a standard guitar scale .  ( 24.75 inch to 25.7) or even a parlor guitar scale of around 22 inches .        I hope that information helps !

  • I still think that the length of the strings is a major part of the issue. For the lower strings that are wound (and the pros here can correct me if I am wrong), the entire string needs to be fed through the hole in the tuning peg, not just the inner wire part. If you are trying to tune up a string that is wound, and the tuner is only pulling on the interior wire as opposed to the whole string, I have to think that you are going to have tuning and/or string breakage problems.

    Am I correct that you are only having the tuning issue with the wound strings, not the one that are just plain wire?

    In the pictures below, the string is a standard Martin M150 80/20 bronze acoustic low E string. From the ball to the tip of the wire is just a shade over 41 inches. The part that is NOT wound is 5 inches long. So, the portion of the string that is wound is roughly 36 inches, give or take.

    The first picture is the way you should be winding the strings, using the entire string, not just the inner wire. The second picture has only the interior wire portion of the string fed through the hole. That is what I think you described in an earlier post.

    If the strings are not long enough for you to thread the entire string through the hole in the tuner, then (in my opinion) you need longer strings, or you need to move the mounting location closer to the bridge.



    • Not necessarily, Buddy Guy starts his wound strings way down from the string ends & he's been doing this for decades?, I think the problem here is the overall total length of the distance between the ball end to the tuners is too great,thus putting too much strain on the string & causing too much tension.the only solution to this is to shorten this distance to something more standard: 28.5 - 32in range overall from string end to furthest tuner,this can be done without changing actual scale length.

  • maybe a pic would help?

  • Did you resolve this?

    Are you set on GDGD tuning?

    Why not relatively tune lower?

    A whole step lower.

    F C F C

    I have found in regards to homemade CBGs, it is best to find the tuning and string tension that makes the box ring the best. Too tight or too loose is not good. You might figure out and be able to obtain the GDGD tuning, but due to many building factors (scale length, nut and bridge height, box dimensions) the sound still will not be at it's best. Experimenting somethings yields very positive results. I hope this helps. Enjoy, Keni Lee  

    • Thanks everyone for the replies. I was able to tune one of them to gdgb and it sounds ok a little like a banjo. I am still playing around with the other one and may try some other tunings. These are new to me , my son bought me a Weeklyhouse CBG from ebay for Christmas. I can play guitar a bit and he saw McCartney play one on the hurricane benefit and decided to get me one. I started playing around abit and decided to try and make one. Here are a few pics with my {sorry}  iphone. It's been fun

      pictures off iphone march '13 217.JPG

      pictures off iphone march '13 214.JPG

    • I didn't know yer box was so long.does the strings go thru the rear of the box? I would move em' up closer to the bridge-glue a piece of hardwood underneath the lid for strength & run em' thru it like an acoustic,very easy fix. by the way they're not bad lookin' CBG's, great fretboards! maybe it sounds like a banjo because it's fretting out,I suggest lifting the action a little.

    • Brian

      It's hard to see in the one pic but the strings go through the laces looking thing on the football sound hole

  • U might want to relocate your string holes,37in is a pretty long stretch, my favorite CBG has a 28.5in scale,but the string holes in my tail piece are only 3.5in  from my bridge , which is 32in total & it's got great intonation? I still don't get why your strings aren't long enough?standard strings are 40-42in in length.did U cut them? basically U wanna be in under 32in or somewhere around that,most 6 string guitars are 28-32in total string I would shorten your string length & throw somethin' ornamental over the old holes to cover em' up. hope U figure that one out.

  • On the first build I did I did not check the scale and ended up with a 28" which is a baritone scale. Regular strings fit but I think my tail piece was less than 37" 

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