A few years ago , I posted on the old forum that I was watching TV's The History channel, "Where is it now" and they were doing a story on Where is John Lennons yellow Mecedes Station wagon, ...and during the stroy the flashed a photo of him playing a square guitar ( I can say it didn NOT apper to be a cbg,, but a handmade square acoustic guitar) but still very cool, after looking off and on for sevral years , I did today by chance find the photo that someone vectroized below,

has anyone else see that episode , or whould be wiling to help find the photo???


If so contact me.


In the real photo he was wearing a white T-shirt and was standing in a kitchen, or near a countor top, it was with a squre guitar and the pose was simpler to this below, if not the same photo.


anyways they do still play that episode every so ofetn on the History channel, thanks for any input you might have on the real photo.


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  • Gents,


    You may want to credit the originator of the photo; interesting detail (though not much about the guitar) on this site:



  • Amazing photo, wonder what the guitar sounded like...? (-:

  • No problem. LOL After seeing your post, I went to google images and searched: John Lennon box guitar...and presto!

    Photos can be illusionary but, to get the intonation spot on, many times builders use a compensation bridge:  http://www.lutherie.net/saddle_angle.html Honestly, master luthiers need to build to closer tolerances to please the ears of high level musicians. Some people find these homemade CBGs too quirky. Enjoy.  

    • ONCE AGAIN AESOME! I've tryed a 1000 times over the years a 1000 different way of spelling an searching, it just proves that he did have and play a square guitar...i knew my eyes didnt decive me!...wow...Keni Lee my hero!


      and he must have took alot of photos with it cuz its diffenet than the one I saw, but now we all know,.,.. holly smokes...Its real!

  • Holy S#^* Keni!


    you are my web searching hero!

  • 305782669?profile=original

    • Cool!  Looks like it might've been built from a dresser drawer.

    • Interesting that the bridge is tilted opposite of what is done on most CBG's. The lowest note string on a CBG usually has the bridge tilting away from the nut to get proper intonation .... Keni Lee what would be the explanation for the apparent difference?

    • It looks like the actual bridge is half-covered by Lennon's hand. If you angle the photo properly,
      you see that the actual bridge, as opposed to where the strings are anchored, seems to be even.305782353?profile=original

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