
  • Dead on! I'm teaching my daughter guitar by leaving her alone with it, and she loves to strum randomly when I play.
  • What a flaming bag of dog sh!+

    Just another scientist with a bug in his ear

    l've quit listening to, and playing, music cold turkey with no problems

    l've done it  thousands of times


  • I knew it!

  • "Scientists think of these annoying sound segments as "ear worms." They don't yet know much about why they happen, but research is making headway on what's going on.

    The songs that get stuck in people's heads tend to be melodically and rhythmically simple, says Daniel Levitin, a psychologist who studies the neuroscience of music at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. It's usually just a segment of the song, not the entire thing from beginning to end."


    this would explain why a lot of musicians like going fishing - worms and hooks! (-;


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