Hey all.  I am trying to finish up a fret board where I drilled some holes and placed some white marble tacks as the fret dots.  I sank them level with the board, but because they are rounded a bit, I have some space that I will need to fill.  So......

My question is, what can I use as a clear filler to go on top of the tacks so that the whole area is flush with the board?

I was thinking of dripping clear coat on top until that makes things flush then clear coating the whole fret board after that, but my concern is that the clear coat that I place over the tacks my eventually come off (pop out).

Any ideas?


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  • Yep Don's right it's much easier just to leave the inlays slightly proud to start with and sand them flush - thats the way i do mine - if you should drill the holes a little too deep use a hole punch and punch out some cardboard glue them in (super Glue ) until you have the desired inlay depth
    hope that helps
    juju :)
  • Whatever you do will show. I would either sand the fingerboard down flush, you now know why I tell people to leave inlays slightly high, or take them out and do it over. Or just live with it.
  • Superglue?

  • Hi
    What about using some two part Clear Epoxy Resin - once cured you could slice them flush to the fretboard using a Plane Iron / Blade then use the same blade as a scraper for a super smooth finish
    juju :)
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