... There's always a but haha. My pickup works and sounds nice. Unfortunately there is the unwanted issue of hum or buzz. It's a flatpup style pickup, so it should be humbucking and not hum, or not so much anyways. So I am assuming it may be shielding or something. It is grounded to the strings already. I have copper tape wrapped around the pickup leads all the way to the output jack. There is no volume pot. My only amp is my LM386, but it doesn't hum with my other guitar, so it's the pickup. Before I attempt to shield the entire inside of the box, does anyone have any suggestions before I go on the hunt for a lot of copper tape? Thanks in advance.

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  • p.s.  nice job on that pup , did ya hand wind it ? what was the output on it ?  hey, Dan Sleep  humidor Guitars , he makes the sleep talkers which are this type design.  you might give him a holla and pick his brain he might have run into this and has an easy fix up his sleeve.  or tell ya how he pots em .  just a thought

    • Thanks man. I made a pickup winder from a drill and an old pen and bottlecaps. Used two pieces of offcut fretboard and clamped the bobbin with tape. A bigger Neo held the bobbin on the winder. Calculator and reed switch for counter. 2000 winds per. Measured about 1800ohms.
  • put that joker in some wax brotha

  • sounds to me like a grounding issue, i have used many of these pups and they don't hum, and it doesn't matter which wire you use for live and which for ground. i suggest you check back to your jack and see if there is a grounding short there somewhere..? (-:

    • Steve, thanks. I would agree it sounds like grounding.

      I have checked the ground and cannot any short on he lugs. Am I looking at the right area? Exactly what do you mean by a short at output jack?
  • Hey Manny, some questions:

    • Can we see a picture of the pickup?
    • Have you potted the pickup?
    • Is it mains hum or buzz? Try turning the treble down on your amp. If it gets quieter it's buzz - this is not cancelled by a humbucker.
    • How far are your strings from the pickup?

    Have you tried plugging your amp into a different socket? Could be interference from a computer/light dimmer switch/mobile phone etc. I drove myself mad with the same problem and it turned out it was terrible on my small practice amp but fine on my bigger one.

    • Its a battery powered amp so it cant be mains. As for potting, no I have not. Heres a photo of it:


    • Cool looking pickup Manny. I would say give potting it a try first, as this helps stop it picking up interference. Do you have a picture of your wiring as well?

    • Richey,

      I am tempted to pot it... But what should I do about the tape? As I said, it insulates a few coils from each other. I am assuming it will fall right off during potting.

      And here is my wiring... I always swore if never show a nude shot, especially given I haven't shown the whole thing yet. And it's sexy, except for this bit hahah. It has copper tape around the strings. I had connected that to ground as well at one point, and it still hummed. I just left it on because it'd be easier to leave it and see if its useable first. Better than winding a second pickup when the first one worked, but good practice.

      Be interested on your thoughts.


    • Have you definitely got the wires the right way round on the jack? Using red wires for hot and ground would confuse me... I think Rand is right that you should add the copper to the ground circuit. Maybe try reversing the wires on the jack, and potting the pickup should help. This is the wiring diagram I use (from Ted Crocker's site), but it doesn't look like you have any pots in the equation:

      306242018?profile=originalI should have mentioned before -  I pot all my pickups and I don't use copper foil shielding. I had terrible problems with buzz and hum on my little practice amp, but none whatsoever on my (better quality) bigger one. I know you said you only have one amp but it would be really helpful to try it in another...

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