I am on a Mac using Safari but have used Firefox as well. Another friend on a Mac tried and got nothing and I tried on a PC (browser = IE) where I teach. Nothing in all cases. I see no mention of anyone else having this problem. Of course there may have been a mention. Since I can't search I can't check (catch 22).
Just one more point. I have a Ning network for my students (this site is run by Ning). The search works just fine on that.
Please can anyone throw some light on this?
The Google work-around (i.e. appending 'site:www.cigarboxnation.com' to your Google search string) is a good one.
Shane should tell the Ning folks that everyone will soon be using Google to search this site and that means revenue going to Google that otherwise would likely gone to Ning. Maybe it would give them added incentive.
Thanks for getting this sorted. The searches all seem to work well now. I don't know what it took (hopefully not large sums of cash or threats of violence) but it is certainly good to be able to root through all the useful information and inspiring advice that people have placed here. Very much appreciated.
Shane Speal said:
Followed by your search string, it will search just this site.
Dan "Iggy" Sleep said:
If that is what they are saying I don't think it is true. I have checked the Ning network that I have for my students and also http://britishphotohistory.ning.com/, which is also a Ning site. Searches on both of those are working as normal. Don't know what they have against cigar box guitars ;-)
Good luck with getting it sorted out.
Shane Speal said: